safe accessedの例文
operation safe haven and safe passage
As part of the effort to enact this agreement, Operations Safe Haven and Safe Passage were executed to alleviate overcrowding at Guantanamo Bay by using temporary camps in Panama.

operations safe haven and safe passage
As part of the effort to enact this agreement, Operations Safe Haven and Safe Passage were executed to alleviate overcrowding at Guantanamo Bay by using temporary camps in Panama.

About 850 people have accessed those pictures since Jan . 26. Most of the information can only be accessed if you subscribe. The new Internet service also can be accessed from cable modems......

accessed bit
The VAX MMU is notable for lacking an accessed bit. OSes which implement paging must find some way to emulate the accessed bit if they are to operate efficiently. Typically, the OS will pe......

accessed instruction
Special storage access instructions include It has formed its own models for teaching , among which there are scaffolding instruction , anchored instruction and random access instruction O......

lift accessed mountain biking
Currently Poley is exploring the possibility of expanding into summer operations by way of a lift accessed mountain bike park. Ski areas have started to embrace the sport of freeriding, ad......

a better safe than sorry book
In 2012, " A Better Safe Than Sorry Book ", aimed at Haredi Jewish children, was published with some controversy as it contains both sexes.

a point of safe return
A point of safe return

a safe affair
As well as her theatre work, Emerald also appeared in five films, including 1931's " A Safe Affair ". This was generally a safe affair, as both the benefactor's spouse and the courtesan's ......

a safe and sure investment
A safe and sure investment

a safe bet
Most analysts expect Chile to be a safe bet for years. A quarter of an inch would surely be a safe bet. A similarly aged female is a safer bet for most sports. Investors will no longer fee......

a safe choice
From the UAW's prospective, Mazey was a logical and a safe choice. In situations besides these, the default right-firing mode is a safe choice. Chops are a safe choice, because they cook m......

a safe method
Romanoff says this is a safe method that prevents government snooping. This type of ammunition should therefore not be considered a safe method of crowd control. A safer method of emptying......

a safe pair of hands
He was a fine slips fieldsman with a safe pair of hands. Conservative Central Office described him as " a safe pair of hands ". But now he's seen as a safe pair of hands ." Milberg was " a......

a safe place
I thought it would be a safe place for my family. It would provide a safe place for shellfish and salmon aquaculture. Photograph your pet and keep the pictures in a safe place. We had thre......

a safe proposition
As noted later, getting lost may not be a safe proposition. Lining up against the Raiders has been a safe proposition for quarterbacks lately. This may not be a safe proposition. Or they c......

absolutely safe
The producer assured the actor : " It'll be absolutely safe ". CryoLife has never maintained that its products are absolutely safe, he said. Cowling said the material that has been recover......

action safe
Dirt track racing helped produce the lower speeds that kept the action safe decades prior to the Car of Tomorrow. Bollinger today is leading the most vigorous social policy campaign by an ......

adoption and safe families act
The 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act broke down barriers to adoption. In 1997, the Adoption and Safe Families Act ( ASFA ) was passed. Washington : President Bill Clinton scheduled to s......

al qaeda safe house
US officials said Belmar was captured at an al Qaeda safe house in Pakistan in February 2002. On the contrary, since your justification for this request is that you are unsatisfied that th......

al qaeda safe house in kabul
In 2001 Albright prepared an analysis, for CNN, of documents found in an abandoned Al Qaeda safe house in Kabul believed to have been used by Abu Khabbab, who they described as " Osama bin......

al qaida safe house
:" Documents captured in a raid of a separate al Qaida safe house were identical to documents captured alnong with the detainee.

alliance for safe children
In 2008 SwimSafe started in Thailand where it was implemented by The Alliance for Safe Children and the Thai Life Saving Society. SwimSafe was developed by The Centre for Injury Prevention......

always safe geometry
Always safe geometry

americans for a safe israel
Americans for a Safe Israel : http : / / www . afsi . org Last month the planned series was denounced by an organization called Americans for a Safe Israel. "This peace is a myth, " said H......